The mighty M-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i

  The Mississippi river drains the center of the United States into the Gulf of Mexico and runs a total of 2320 miles from its headwaters in northern Minnesota to the Gulf . As a kid traveling with my mom and my aunt every time we would get to a bridge that crossed the Mississippi they would...
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Allegheny River

The Allegheny River runs through the mountains and valleys of Pennsylvania and New York on its way to join the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Since moving to New York I have been criss-crossing the Allegheny on my trips to buy wood for my furniture. Stopping at the Kinzu Dam to watch the Carp swimming and the...
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Sandhill Cranes

I think Sandhill Cranes are the coolest! I even named my business after them and assumed Sandhill as part of my name. icfcrane When we were preparing for me to quit my day job and start Something? Designs, we couldn’t find a name that felt right. One day a nice...
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New Location, New Direction

While living in Wisconsin my work was heavily influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright and the Prairie Style. I thought in the move to Western New York that I might be more influenced by the Roycroft style that has its roots, in East Aurora. Three years later, color me surprised! Not only have I not moved toward...
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